What Is a Casino?


A casino is a place where people can gamble on games of chance or skill. It may also offer other entertainment activities, such as sports events or live music. Some casinos are combined with hotels, restaurants and other tourist attractions. The term casino may also refer to:

In order to deter cheating or theft, many casinos have security measures in place. For example, patrons’ bets are usually placed using chips that have built-in microcircuitry; these enable the casinos to monitor and verify the exact amount of money being wagered minute by minute, and warn if any suspicious activity is detected. Security cameras are another common feature in modern casinos.

Because of the large amounts of currency handled, a casino can be a target for criminals who wish to steal from it or its patrons. For this reason, most casinos have high-level security measures in place to prevent such activity, including random bag checks of patrons and employees. Some casinos use security cameras located throughout their premises, while others install them in key areas and monitor the activity of those entering or leaving the facility.

Local governments often welcome casinos, as their tax revenue can help offset other government spending needs. However, critics point out that gambling has a negative impact on the economy in general by shifting spending from other forms of entertainment and by increasing unemployment among problem gamblers. Additionally, the costs associated with treating compulsive gambling can more than offset any positive effects of casinos on a community.