A casino is a place where people can gamble by playing games of chance. It may offer other forms of entertainment such as musical shows and shopping centers, but it’s gambling that drives the business. Slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps and keno provide the billions of dollars in profits casinos make each year.
There are two basic types of casino: those that are owned by a local government and those that operate on a commercial basis. The latter are usually leased or sold to private investors who have the funds to finance the operation and pay a percentage of the gross revenues to the government as taxes. The government also regulates the operations of these establishments.
Casinos are a source of intense controversy because of their role in compulsive gambling. Many experts believe that something about them encourages patrons to cheat, steal or scam in order to win a game that they should lose. It is because of this that casinos spend a large amount of time, effort and money on security.
In addition to employing a physical security force, many casinos have specialized departments that oversee the gaming operations and a closed circuit television system, sometimes called an “eye in the sky.” The system monitors every table and every window and doorway through one-way glass. It is operated by a team of casino security workers who can adjust the cameras to focus on suspicious or definite criminal activity.