Slot Definition – What is a Slot?

A narrow, elongated depression, groove, notch, slit, or aperture, especially one for receiving or admitting something, such as a coin or a letter. Also called slotted, slit, or sleeve.

A slot on a computer keyboard or monitor, where letters can be inserted for typing. Also used in the phrase “slot machine” to refer to a video game that pays out prizes according to pre-programmed combinations of symbols on a reel, or a reel sequence.

On a slot machine, a narrow opening for depositing coins or other items, or for pulling a handle to activate the machine and spin the reels. Also, a position or job for which someone is qualified, such as a time slot on the broadcasting schedule.

In slots, a small opening in which coins or other items are inserted to receive prizes according to pre-programmed combinations on the reels. A slot machine also has a random number generator, which assigns different probabilities to each symbol on each of the multiple reels, giving the illusion that some symbols appear more frequently than others on a single reel.

In BigQuery, a slot recommender mechanism analyzes data usage patterns to suggest an incremental value for the maximum reservation size that can improve query performance. To view recommendations for edition workloads, you must have the listed permission for the administrator project. For project level on-demand workloads, you must have the permission at the billing account associated with the organization to see recommendations.